I hate to even admit that during the first reading by Nilsen, I was thinking to myself stop your whining no one cares. Girls just look for reasons to complain about not getting treated fair, and then when it truly is fair you complain because you don’t want to have to do certain things that men do. Or your excuse is, “Would you carry that? I am a girl.” Also as I read I couldn’t help but go UGH and it killed me to actually read this. Because I was thinking, you couldn’t be more wrong.
Then I read the second by August, I thought to myself you know he is right, I really agree that everything is either your bad at this or you should have done this better. Guys lead a pretty much, “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t life.” I really agreed with about every bit of what he had to say.
Then I decided that I would write about this and was putting y thoughts together on all of this. Then I thought to myself, WOW! I guess we really do protect our own sex in all this. I don’t know who is right or wrong I am going to have to contemplate that a bit more.
I do think you are naturally protecting your own sex. Girls have reasons for the things they do and don't do and so do guys. I found it funny that you began talking objectively saying "Girls just look..." and then you jumped to "you don't..." like you were actually addressing girls and not a general male/female audience. I agree that Nilsen was whining, but you're whining too. Equality is not sameness. It is holding equal value, not necessarily doing the same things. A guy can carry something for a girl because she is a girl and it shouldn't mean they aren't equal. It doesn't diminish either person's value cause they are different. They do different things and they are physically built different; the value of them remains equal. That's equality.
I like your last paragraph best when you talk about how we protect our own sex. I think thats human nature to protect your own group in any situation. Girls do things differently than men, but men also do lots of things that girls would never understand. The way that men communicate with each other in social settings is very macho and "look at me i'm a badass" attitude while girls just try to be nice and "sincere" even if they hate the girl they're talking to. Its just the difference between the two and I don't think there's really a right or wrong answer.
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